Page 129 - Demo
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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 129Personal Protection | TREATMENT SUPPORTDesigned to maximize personal protection when handling and managing detainees, refugees, etc.%u2022 Certified to the NIOSH N95 standard for disposable particulate respirators%u2022 Secure, comfortable fit with adjustable nose bridge%u2022 Minimal breathing resistance%u2022 Reduced packaging volume for easy storageNAR%u00ae RESPIRATORITEM # NSN #70-0006 6515-01-537-1531NAR SPECIFICATIONS RESPIRATORPackaged: L 5 in. x W 4.25 in. x H 0.75 in.Mask size: Adult | Wgt: 0.9 ozNAR%u00ae PPE KITITEM # NSN #70-0007 6515-01-537-1534NAR%u00ae PPE KIT1 x N95 certified Face Mask & 2 pair Bear Claw Nitrile GlovesSPECIFICATIONS L 3.5 in. x W 4 in. x H 1.5 in.Weight: 2 ozBIOLOGICAL PERSONAL PROTECTION KITITEM # NSN #80-0488 6515-01-388-1351BIOLOGICAL PPE KITSPECIFICATIONS H 6 in. x W 8 in. x D 1 in.Weight: 4.6 ozBLACKTALON%u00ae SIZE PKG | QTY ITEM # NSN #M Bag | 25 pair ZZ-0247 6515-01-619-5689M Box | 50 pair 70-0010 6515-01-600-6057L Bag | 25 pair ZZ-0248 6515-01-600-0262L Box | 50 pair 70-0011 6515-01-600-6039XL Bag | 25 pair ZZ-0249 6515-01-619-5367XL Box | 45 pair 70-0012 6515-01-600-6052*BEAR CLAW%u00ae GLOVESSIZE PKG | QTY ITEM # NSN #S Bag | 25 pair ZZ-0218 ----S Box | 50 pair 70-0001 6515-01-515-0195M Bag | 25 pair ZZ-0217 6515-01-672-7977*M Box | 50 pair 70-0002 6515-01-515-0200L Bag | 25 pair ZZ-0216 6515-01-632-0059L Box | 50 pair 70-0003 6515-01-515-0197XL Bag | 25 pair ZZ-0215 6515-01-672-7985*XL Box | 45 pair 70-0004 6515-01-515-0190BLACK TALON%u00ae GLOVES%u2022 Form-fitting, ambidextrous design with textured fingertips%u2022 Thick palm ensures durability%u2022 Textured for improved wet and dry gripping%u2022 Longer and thicker than standard nitrile glovesNitrile gloves available in Black or Tan colors and come either as pre-packaged pairs (kits) or in bulk (box)*NATO NSN *NATO NSNNITRILE GLOVESBEAR CLAW%u00aeBIOLOGICAL PERSONAL PROTECTION KIT:NitrileGloves, Lg1PAIRNitrileGloves, XL1PAIR UniversalImpervious Gown1QTY BiohazardBag, RedEyeshieldwith Self-Adhesive1 1 QTY QTY AntisepticTowelette2QTY Surgical Mask w/ Visor1QTYSPECIFICATIONS Kit: L 4.75 in. x W 6 in. x D 4 in.Weight: 1 lb 1 oz Box: L 11 in. x W 5 in. x D 3.75 in.Weight: 2 lb 4 ozMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICA9 in. x 12in.Clear Plastic Bag1QTY
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