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                                    7 | NAR Simulation Sales %u2022 866-839-3455 %u2022 manikins@NARescue.comFeatures include:%u2022 NARS Capnograph Simulator Designed to be used as a mainstream carbon dioxide monitor that can be connected in-line with a mask or tube. Simulator displays include carbon dioxide partial pressure, respiratory rate and CO2 waveform.%u2022 NARS Pulse Oximeter SimulatorUtilizes the widely used fingerstyle probe for monitoring blood oxygen saturation. Simulator display includes Heart Rate, SpO2 and SpO2waveforms.%u2022 NARS NIBP Monitor Simulator Designed to replicate a portable NIBP monitor. This simulator allows medical responders to gather vital signs without instructor intervention. Onboard controls allow various modes of operation. Display includes systolic & diastolic pressures (mmHg) and heart rate.Disconnect your student%u2019s dependency on instructor %u201cover-the-shoulder%u201d inputDeluxe ALS KITFeatures: %u2022 Simulated NIBP cuff, SpO2 finger probe, and ETCO2 inline detector with waveform and digital value%u2022 Simulated cardiac monitor screen with Lead II tracing rhythm%u2022 ETCO2 & SpO2 waveforms, NIBP. Fully functional monitor screen for defibrillation/AED mode, alarms, and rhythm synchronization%u2022 All student-visible values controlled via NARS Instructor tablet (included)%u2022 NARS software includes exportable student evaluation performance documentationDesigned to simulate various vital signs for advanced life support monitoring and simulationNARS Patient Monitoring Suite of simulators can be used in all phases of patient care for any human (role-player), or ANY patient simulatorITEM # 93-0071PATIENT MONITORING SUITEITEM # 93-0351DELUXE ALS KIT%uf074 Includes NARSInstructor TabletPATIENT MONITORING SUITE with NARS Instructor Tablet%uf075 Capnography%uf075 Pulse OX%uf075 Non  Invasive BP Cuff
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