Page 99 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 99Surgical Kits | MED/SURGITEM # UNIT NSN#ZZ-0956 Single -------ZZ-0957 Pack of 10 6515-01-630-8050TOENAIL REMOVAL TRAYSITEM # UNIT NSN#ZZ-0958 Single -------ZZ-0961 Pack of 20 6515-01-311-0360SURGICAL SUTURE KITSITEM # UNIT NSN#ZZ-0960 Single -------ZZ-0959 Pack of 20 -------MINOR SURGERY SETSITEM # NSN#83-0012 -------LATERAL CANTHOTOMY SETMINOR SURGERYSetsSURGICAL SUTURE KitsSutures not includedSPECIFICATIONS Packaged: L 9 in. x W 5 in. x D 1 in.Weight: 5 ozSPECIFICATIONS Packaged: L 8 in. x W 4.5 in. x D 2 in.Weight: 5.5 ozSPECIFICATIONS Packaged: L 9.75 in. x W 4 in. x D 2 in.Weight: .36 lbsMINOR SURGERY Contents:1 x Shallow Tray2 x Kelly Hemostat, Straight, 5.5 in.2 x Kelly Forceps, Curved, 5.5 in.1 x Mayo Hegar Needle Holder, 6 in.1 x Adson Forceps, Serr, 4.75 in.1 x Forceps Tissue, 5 in.1 x Collier Needle Holder, Straight, 5 in.1 x Handle Scalpel #31 x Probe W. Eye, 6 in.1 x O.R. Scissors, SB Straight, 5.5 in.SURGICAL SUTURE Contents:1 x Shallow Tray, Large1 x Adson Forceps w/Teeth1 x Webster Needle Holder, 5 in.1 x Iris Scissors, Straight, 4.5 in.1 x Mosquito Hemostat, Curved, 5%u201d1 x Reclosable Bag, 8 in. x 10 in., 2ml1 x Twist Tie, 8 in. Plas Reel1 x Poly-backed Towel1 x Fenestrated Drape1 x Alcohol Prep Swab1 x PVP Prep Swab1 x Gauze, 4 in. x 4 in., 8-plyTOENAIL REMOVAL Contents:1 x Half Deep Tray1 x Kelly Hemostat, Straight ,5.5 in.1 x Kelly Forceps, Curved, 5.5 in.1 x Adson Forceps, 1 x 2 Teeth, 4.75 in.1 x Iris Scissors, Straight, 4.5 in.1 x Cuticle Nipper, 4.5 in.1 x Probe w/Eye, 6 in.10 x Gauze, 4 in. x 4 in. , 12-plySTERILESPECIFICATIONS Packaged: L 9.72 in. x W 5.4 in. x D 2 in.Weight: 11 oz%u2022 Compact kit allowing for ease of use in the field%u2022 Tools to decrease orbital pressure to the optic nerve or globeTOENAIL REMOVAL TraysLATERAL CANTHOTOMY SetPESEye Shield11x2 TeethAdson Forceps15%u201d HalsteadMosquito Forcep1 4.5%u201d IrisScissors, Straight14%u201d x 4%u201d Gauze Pad 2 PK4MetzenbaumScissors, 5.5%u201d1 TuberculinSyringe w/ Needle1CONTENTS:STERILESTERILE