Page 46 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE46 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTC-A-T%u00aeTourniquet1%u2022 Essential life-saving tools to address injuries caused by penetrating or blast trauma%u2022Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) providing Basic Life Support for immediate Self-Aid/Buddy-Aid%u2022Includes the added advantage of a hemostatic dressing for extra capability in the control of life threatening bleeding%u2022 The LCL TORK%u00ae is double-spaced for the MOLLE attachment points on the rear of the bag for maximum adjustability and super secure mounting to any platform%u2022 Also attaches to NAR%u00ae Quick Detach Panels (sold separately)%u2022 Signature Red-Tip Technology%u00ae rapid opener for fast and easy, one-pull tab opening of the kit.COLOR LEVEL/HEMOSTATIC ITEM #Black Basic 80-1685Coyote Basic 80-1686OCP Basic 80-1687OD Green Basic 80-1688RGR Green Basic 80-1690Black Basic w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1691Coyote Basic w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1692OCP Basic w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1693OD Green Basic w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1694RGR Green Basic w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1696Black Advanced w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1697*Coyote Advanced w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1698*OCP Advanced w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1699*OD Green Advanced w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1700*RGR Green Advanced w/Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1702*TORK LCLTORK%u00ae LCL KIT CAPABILITIES INCLUDE:M%u2022%u2022%u2022 ASS VI E HEMORRHAGE%u2022%u2022%u2022R%u2022%u2022%u2022 ESP RI ATORYSUPPORT%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022 T%u2022 REATMENTSUPPORT %u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022 A RI WAYMANAGEMENT%u2022%u2022%u2022The NEW Tactical Operator Response Kit (TORK%u00ae LCL) is designed to meet the need for an individual first aid kit carrying basic life support equipment, in order to address leading causes of potentially preventable death in a tactical environment. Now featuring Laser Cut Laminate (LCL) MOLLE.%uf070NEW!TORK%u00ae LCL bag features double-spaced Laser Cut Laminate MOLLEBASIC-ORBASICwithCombat GauzeTORK BASIC / BASIC with Combat Gauze:TORK LCL ADVANCED:ETD%u00ae 6 in. Dressing1 HyFin%u00ae VentChest Seal, Twin Pk1 Responder Shears, LgNAR 1 %u00ae Gauze,Wound Packing2 NAR%u00ae Gauze,Wound Packing1 Combat Gauze%u00ae LE1 Responder Black Gloves, LG2C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet1 ETD%u00ae 6 in. Dressing1 Pre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F1 HyFin%u00ae VentChest Seal, Twin Pk1 Responder Shears, LgResponder 1Black Gloves, LGCombat 2Gauze%u00ae LENAR%u00ae Gauze, 1Wound Packing1 EnhancedARS Needle, 10G1*Advanced Kits are